Archive for March 2021

Searching for Civility

I had the occasion to use an elevator recently, something I haven’t done in over a year due to the pandemic and a general inclination to take the stairs.  The sign read: No more than 4 people at a time, no talking and stand in the corners.”  So social distancing was expected.  But what wasn’t expected,…

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Remote Teams 2

Remote teams or working from home (WFH) isn’t all that new for corporate employees having its onset in the 1970’s.  What is new, is the digital age which not only allows for WFH, but work from anywhere (WFA).  Among others, military spouses, dual-career families and millennials in general come to mind.  In fact, WFA millennials…

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Remote Teams 1

Companies should trust people to work from home more. Commuting kills so much time and energy that could be spent creating. -Sir Richard Branson, Founder, The Virgin Group Wise words from the early 2000’s and certainly applicable to our current pandemic.  Starting a year ago, how many companies and businesses were caught off guard and…

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Attaining objectives and producing meaningful results constitute the goals of most businesses.  It makes sense to develop and support workplace cultures that underpin these intentions.  Bias, prejudice, disrespect, and counterproductive attitudes and behaviors stemming from emotional discomfort and outright fear, hinder and often defeat these goals and intentions. Although companies and HR departments specifically have…

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