Leaders Learning

Agility & Flexibility

In coaching executives, team leaders, solopreneurs and small business owners, I am usually hired in a time of change, challenge, or calamity.  Every situation is different.  However, typical themes usually need my attention: conflict resolution and skill set building, communication breakdowns,  team member disengagement, change management, and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusivity) among others.  Assessing and…

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Boundaries 2

People often think of boundaries in a sort of negative way: putting up walls or fences.  Of course, walls and fences are designed to keep somethings in and somethings out.  And they often create a sense of separation.  Let’s consider ways in which leaders can create positive boundaries that foster connection, integration, unification, cooperation, consensus,…

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Boundary Intelligence

This is a two-part discussion on the concept of boundaries.  For this week, review the Boundary Style Questionnaire.  You may either take the assessment in full and calculate your scores or peruse the questions to get an idea of where you may fall on the dimensions constituting boundaries.  There is a brief score interpretation below.…

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Ever wonder why some folks succeed and others don’t?  Why some folks seem to stick it out and never quit while others give up quickly?  Well, psychologists have spent decades and businesses have spent big dollars on trying to figure this out.  One researcher, perhaps motivated by her father’s constant message while growing up, “You’re…

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Searching for Civility

I had the occasion to use an elevator recently, something I haven’t done in over a year due to the pandemic and a general inclination to take the stairs.  The sign read: No more than 4 people at a time, no talking and stand in the corners.”  So social distancing was expected.  But what wasn’t expected,…

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Remote Teams 2

Remote teams or working from home (WFH) isn’t all that new for corporate employees having its onset in the 1970’s.  What is new, is the digital age which not only allows for WFH, but work from anywhere (WFA).  Among others, military spouses, dual-career families and millennials in general come to mind.  In fact, WFA millennials…

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